File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -41,8 +41,17 @@ onMounted(() => {
document.addEventListener('click', onMouseDown);
// document.addEventListener("mousemove", onMouseMove);
let scene, renderer, camera, controls, pointsArr = true;
let scene, renderer, camera, controls, clickedObject, pointsArr = true;
let biggerSphereMesh = null;
// 克隆颜色和模型
let objArr = [];
let objM = [];
// 监测设备
let warnSets = [];
// 设置漫游索引
let currentIndex = 0;
let romeObj = []
let i = 1;
let mouse = new THREE.Vector2();
let labelRenderer = new CSS2DRenderer(); //新建CSS2DRenderer
@ -67,6 +76,7 @@ Bus.on('clickBuild', (isParent) => {
// nearCamera(Floor);
@ -100,7 +110,8 @@ const init = () => {
scene.background = new THREE.Color(bimStore().activateMenu.background);
// 相机
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(50, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
camera.position.set(-92.650, 67.456, 38.088);
camera.position.set(-83.68342627048388, 83.03295496739706, -11.88944568919905);
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true });
@ -111,6 +122,8 @@ const init = () => {
controls = new OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
const pmremGenerator = new THREE.PMREMGenerator(renderer);
scene.environment = pmremGenerator.fromScene(new RoomEnvironment()).texture;
var vector = new THREE.Vector3();
console.log('刚开始场景', vector);
const loadSence = () => {
const gltfLoader = new GLTFLoader();
@ -119,12 +132,33 @@ const loadSence = () => {
gltfLoader.load('/jzc/scene3.gltf', (gltf) => {
var model = gltf.scene;
roamdObjects = model.children[0].children;
// 克隆初始的材料和模型
model.traverse(e => {
// 设置漫游点位
const objname = ['start', 'middle1', 'middle2', 'end']
objname.forEach((item, index) => {
var targetModel = model.getObjectByName(item);
if (targetModel) romeObj.push(
console.log('targetModel', targetModel)
// 将预警设备染色
const renderScene = () => {
const cameraPosition = camera.position;
const cameraX = cameraPosition.x;
const cameraY = cameraPosition.y;
const cameraZ = cameraPosition.z;
console.log('坐标', cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ);
renderer.render(scene, camera);
@ -194,6 +228,7 @@ const onMouseMove = (event) => {
// 鼠标点击效果
const onMouseDown = (event) => {
var raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster()
// 将鼠标点击位置的屏幕坐标转换成threejs中的标准坐标
mouse.x = ((event.clientX - marginLeft) / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = -((event.clientY - marginTop) / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1;
raycaster.setFromCamera(mouse, camera);
@ -201,13 +236,77 @@ const onMouseDown = (event) => {
console.log(123, event);
if (intersects.length > 0) {
const clickedObject = intersects[0].object;
clickedObject = intersects[0].object;
console.log('这是我选中的模型', clickedObject);
var selectedObject = isSelent(clickedObject);
// 高亮所在区域
// 染色点击的模型
const changeColor = (Floor) => {
// Floor.children.forEach((obj) => {
// if (obj.isMesh) {
// console.log(123, obj);
// obj.material.transparent = true;
// obj.material.opacity = 0.3;
// obj.material.color = new THREE.Color('rgb( 0 , 0 , 225 )');
// }
// })
// 染色
Floor.traverse(e => {
if (e.isMesh) {
e.material.transparent = true;
e.material.opacity = 0.3;
e.material.color = new THREE.Color('rgb( 0 , 0 , 225 )');
// 清除模型颜色
const cleanColor = () => {
// 恢复之前被选中模型的材质
if (objArr.length > 0 && objM.length > 0) {
objArr.forEach((ele, index) => {
ele.material = objM[index]
objArr = [];
objM = [];
scene.traverse(e => {
// 预警
const warn = () => {
['guan1', 'guan2', 'guan3', 'guan4'].forEach(item => {
warnSets[2].traverse(e => {
e.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
transparent: true,
opacity: 0.9,
color: new THREE.Color('rgb( 237,33,2 )')
// animateCamera(warnSets[0]);
const animateCamera = (one) => {
const lookO = one.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3())
gsap.to(controls.target, {
x: lookO.x,
y: lookO.y + 1.2,
z: lookO.z,
duration: 4,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {},
const boxLight = (selectedObject) => {
if (selectedObject) {
@ -232,101 +331,41 @@ const centerSelectedGroup = (obj) => {
// 漫游
const roam = () => {
const path = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3([
new THREE.Vector3(130.076658411178222, 58.489999368786826, -32.514521795452985), // 起始坐标
new THREE.Vector3(128.938067229663826, 55.0220540878815, 30.184599697589874) //中间节点
if (currentIndex < romeObj.length) {
var nextPosition = romeObj[currentIndex].getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3());
// 在动画完成后触发下一个漫游
gsap.to(camera.position, {
x: nextPosition.x,
y: nextPosition.y + 1.2,
z: nextPosition.z,
duration: 4,
ease: 'power1.inOut',
onComplete: () => {
let lookObj;
if (currentIndex == romeObj.length - 1 ) {
lookObj = romeObj[0].getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3())
} else if(currentIndex < romeObj.length) {
lookObj = romeObj[currentIndex + 1].getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3())
gsap.to(controls.target, {
x: lookObj.x,
y: lookObj.y + 1.2,
z: lookObj.z,
duration: 4,
pointsArr = path.getSpacedPoints(50);
i = 0;
// 设置相机起点, 相机位置:曲线上当前点pointsArr[i]
// 相机观察目标:当前点的下一个点pointsArr[i + 1]
camera.lookAt(pointsArr[i + 1]);
// controls.target.copy(pointsArr[i+1])
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
const d = (cameraCurve) => {
let sphereCurve = null;
sphereCurve = cameraCurve.clone()
sphereCurve.points.forEach(point => {
point.x *= 0.6
point.y *= 0.2
point.z *= 0.6
return point
const pathPoints = sphereCurve.getPoints(100)
pathPoints.forEach(point => {
const sphere = new THREE.SphereGeometry(0.2)
const sphereMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: 0x0000ff
const sphereMesh = new THREE.Mesh(sphere, sphereMaterial)
sphereMesh.position.set(point.x, point.y, point.z)
const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(pathPoints)
const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
color: 0xff0000
const curveObject = new THREE.Line(geometry, material)
const biggerSphere = new THREE.SphereGeometry(2)
const sphereMaterial1 = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x0ff00 })
biggerSphereMesh = new THREE.Mesh(biggerSphere, sphereMaterial1)
let num = 1;
const renders = () => {
/* angle += 0.01;
// 相机y坐标不变,在XOZ平面上做圆周运动
camera.position.x = R * Math.sin(angle);
camera.lookAt(0, 0, 0); */
if (num < pointsArr.length - 1) {
// 相机位置设置在当前点位置
// camera.position.set(pointsArr[num]);
// 曲线上当前点pointsArr[num]和下一个点pointsArr[num+1]近似模拟当前点曲线切线
// 设置相机观察点为当前点的下一个点,相机视线和当前点曲线切线重合
camera.lookAt(pointsArr[num + 1]);
// controls.target.copy(pointsArr[num+1])
num += 1; //调节速度
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {},
console.log('lookObj', currentIndex)
} else {
num = 0
let roamdObjects = ref([]);
// 返回初始值
const toHomeView = () => {
@ -0,0 +1,752 @@
<div class="scene">
<div id="jindu-text-con">
正在加载模型请稍等:<span id="jindu-text"></span>
<div class="jindu-con">
<div id="jindu"></div>
<video id="videoContainer" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;z-index:100;visibility: hidden"></video>
<div class="scene" id="viewer-container"></div>
<div class="panel">
<div class="main">
<li class="tools-li" @click="resetScene">
<p class="tools-name">场景重置</p>
<li class="tools-li" @click="autoRotateClick">
<p class="tools-name">{{ !autoRotate ? '自动旋转' : '停止选择' }}</p>
<li class="tools-li" @click="billboardView">
<p class="tools-name">视频视角</p>
<li class="tools-li" @click="driverView">
<p class="tools-name">司机视角</p>
<li class="tools-li" @click="roam">
<p class="tools-name">漫游</p>
import modules from "./modules/index.js";
import * as THREE from "three";
import gsap from "gsap";
let viewer = null
let office = null
let oldOffice = {}
let gltf75 = {}
let tree_animate = null
let cityv1 = null
let modelSelectName = null
let modelMoveName = null
let isModelSelectName = false
let che, cheLable
let romeObj = []
// 设置漫游索引
let currentIndex = 0;
// const gui = new dat.GUI();
export default {
name: "Three",
data() {
return {
autoRotate: false,
isDriver: false,
mounted() {
destroyed() {
methods: {
roam() {
if (currentIndex < romeObj.length) {
var nextPosition = romeObj[currentIndex].getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3());
// 在动画完成后触发下一个漫游
gsap.to(viewer.camera.position, {
x: nextPosition.x,
y: nextPosition.y + 1.2,
z: nextPosition.z,
duration: 4,
ease: 'power1.inOut',
onComplete: () => {
} // 回调函数,在动画完成后触发下一个漫游
let lookObj
if (currentIndex == romeObj.length) {
lookObj = romeObj[0].getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3())
} else if(currentIndex < romeObj.length) {
lookObj = romeObj[currentIndex + 1].getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3())
gsap.to(viewer.controls.target, {
x: lookObj.x,
y: lookObj.y + 1.2,
z: lookObj.z,
duration: 4,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {},
console.log('lookObj', currentIndex)
driverView() {
this.isDriver = !this.isDriver
billboardView() {
this.isDriver = false
gsap.to(viewer.camera.position, {
x: 4,
y: 20,
z: 5,
duration: 2,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {},
gsap.to(viewer.controls.target, {
x: 4,
y: 20,
z: -15,
duration: 2,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {},
autoRotateClick() {
viewer.controls.autoRotate = !viewer.controls.autoRotate
this.autoRotate = viewer.controls.autoRotate
resetScene() {
gsap.to(viewer.camera.position, {
x: -156,
y: 100,
z: 0,
duration: 2,
onStart: () => {
ease: "Bounce.inOut",
gsap.to(viewer.controls.target, {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
duration: 2,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {},
gsap.to(viewer.scene.children.find(o => o.name == '人').rotation, {
y: 0,
duration: 2,
ease: "power1.inOut",
this.isDriver = false
cheLable.visible = true
viewer.scene.children[viewer.scene.children.findIndex(o => o.name == '快递车')].visible = true
viewer.scene.children[viewer.scene.children.findIndex(o => o.name == '树')].visible = true
viewer.scene.children[viewer.scene.children.findIndex(o => o.name == 'cityv1')].visible = true
viewer.scene.children[viewer.scene.children.findIndex(o => o.name == '实验楼')] = gltf75.clone()
viewer.scene.children[viewer.scene.children.findIndex(o => o.name == '办公大厅')] = office.object = oldOffice
modelSelectName = null
modelMoveName = null
isModelSelectName = false
init() {
let that = this
let jindu_text_con = document.getElementById('jindu-text-con');
let jindu_text = document.getElementById('jindu-text');
let jindu = document.getElementById('jindu');
viewer = new modules.Viewer('viewer-container') //初始化场景
// viewer.addAxis()
let labels = new modules.Labels(viewer) //初始化场景
let skyBoxs = new modules.SkyBoxs(viewer) //添加天空盒和雾化效果
// let EffectComposer = new modules.EffectComposer(viewer)//添加天空盒和雾化效果
viewer.camera.position.set(-156, 100, 0) //设置相机位置
viewer.controls.maxPolarAngle = Math.PI / 2.1;
let lights = new modules.Lights(viewer)
let ambientLight = lights.addAmbientLight()
color: 0xffffff,
intensity: 1
lights.addDirectionalLight([100, 100, -10], {
color: 'rgb(253,253,253)',
intensity: 3,
castShadow: true,
let modeloader = new modules.ModelLoder(viewer)
let video = document.getElementById('videoContainer');
video.src = "bi.mp4"; // 设置视频地址
video.autoplay = "autoplay"; //要设置播放
video.loop = "loop"; //要设置循环播放
video.muted = "muted"; //要设置静音
let texture = new THREE.VideoTexture(video)
let Mesh26
let isopen = false
let tiemen = {}
modeloader.loadModelToScene('scene1.glb', _model => {
_model.object.name = 'cityv1'
// let center = _model.getCenter(new THREE.Vector3())
// viewer.camera.lookAt(center)
const objname = ['start', 'middle1001', 'middle2', 'end']
objname.forEach((item, index) => {
var targetModel = _model.object.getObjectByName(item);
if (targetModel) romeObj.push(
console.log('targetModel', targetModel)
_model.object.children.forEach((item, index) => {
console.log('item.name', item.name)
if (item.name === 'Mesh26') {
Mesh26 = item
gsap.to(item.scale, {
x: item.scale.x / 8,
duration: 5,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {
isopen = true
tiemen = tiemen = {
fun: moveOnCurve,
content: che
cityv1 = _model.object.clone()
}, (progress) => {
progress = Math.floor(progress * 100)
jindu_text.innerText = progress + '%';
jindu.style.width = progress + '%'
if (progress === 100) {
jindu_text_con.style.display = 'none'
}, (error) => {
/* modeloader.loadModelToScene('zuo.glb', _model => {
office = _model
office.object.rotation.y = Math.PI
office.object.position.set(16, 0, -5)
office.object.scale.set(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
office.object.name = '办公大厅'
office.object.children.forEach(item => {
item.name = item.name.replace('zuo', '')
if (item.name == 'ding') {
item.name = 6
office.object.children.sort((a, b) => a.name - b.name).forEach(v => {
v.name = 'zuo' + v.name
office.forEach(child => {
if (child.isMesh) {
child.frustumCulled = false
child.material.emissive = child.material.color;
child.material.emissiveMap = child.material.map;
child.material.emissiveIntensity = 1.2
child.material.envmap = viewer.scene.background
oldOffice = office.object.clone()
let box = office.getBox()
x: box.max.x / 2,
y: box.max.y,
z: box.max.z
}, `<span class="label">${_model.object.name}</span>`)
gsap.to(labels.label.position, {
y: box.max.y + 2,
repeat: -1,
yoyo: true,
duration: 2,
ease: "Bounce.inOut",
modeloader.loadModelToScene('75.gltf', _model => {
_model.object.rotateY(Math.PI / 2)
_model.object.position.set(-17, 0, 5)
_model.object.scale.set(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
_model.object.name = '实验楼'
gltf75 = _model.object.clone()
let box = _model.getBox()
x: box.max.x,
y: box.max.y,
z: box.max.z
}, `<span class="label">${_model.object.name}</span>`)
gsap.to(labels.label.position, {
y: box.max.y + 2,
repeat: -1,
yoyo: true,
duration: 2,
ease: "Bounce.inOut",
modeloader.loadModelToScene('billboard_-_lowpoly.glb', _model => {
_model.object.position.set(4, -20, -35)
_model.object.rotateY(-Math.PI / 2)
_model.object.scale.set(2.7, 2.7, 2.7)
_model.object.name = '广告牌'
let Object_6 = _model.object.getObjectByName('Object_6')
Object_6.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: texture, // 设置纹理贴图
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
transparent: true,
}); //材质对象Material
let box = _model.getBox()
modeloader.loadModelToScene('drone/wrj.glb', res => {
res.object.position.set(16, 12, 5)
res.object.scale.set(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
res.object.name = '无人机'
gsap.to(res.object.position, {
x: _model.object.position.x,
y: box.max.y,
z: _model.object.position.z,
repeat: -1,
yoyo: true,
duration: 13,
ease: "Expo.inOut",
modeloader.loadModelToScene('car13.gltf', _model => {
che = _model
_model.object.position.set(11.5, 0, 18)
_model.object.scale.set(1, 1, 1)
_model.object.name = '快递车'
let boxx = _model.getBox()
// let center = boxx.getCenter(new THREE.Vector3())
// // //相机跟随
// viewer.camera.position.set(center.x, center.y, center.z)
// viewer.camera.lookAt(center)
cheLable = labels.addCss2dLabel({
x: boxx.max.x,
y: boxx.max.y + 2,
z: boxx.max.z
}, `<span class="label">${_model.object.name}</span>`)
modeloader.loadModelToScene('ren.glb', _model => {
_model.object.position.set(13, 0, 15)
_model.object.name = '人'
_model.cloneModel([25, 0, 29]).startAnima()
modeloader.loadModelToScene('tree_animate/scene.gltf', _model => {
_model.object.position.set(8, 0, 26)
_model.object.scale.set(0.08, 0.08, 0.08)
_model.object.name = '树'
tree_animate = _model.object.clone()
}) */
let curve = null;
function makeCurve() {
//Create a closed wavey loop
curve = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3([
new THREE.Vector3(11.5, 0, 18),
new THREE.Vector3(11.5, 0, 34),
new THREE.Vector3(35, 0, 34),
new THREE.Vector3(35, 0, 31),
new THREE.Vector3(11.5, 0, 31),
curve.curveType = "catmullrom";
curve.closed = true; //设置是否闭环
curve.tension = 0; //设置线的张力,0为无弧度折线
// 为曲线添加材质在场景中显示出来,不显示也不会影响运动轨迹,相当于一个Helper
const points = curve.getPoints(0.1);
const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
const material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
color: 0xff0000,
// Create the final object to add to the scene
const curveObject = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);
curveObject.position.y = -1;
let progress = 0; // 物体运动时在运动路径的初始位置,范围0~1
const velocity = 0.001; // 影响运动速率的一个值,范围0~1,需要和渲染频率结合计算才能得到真正的速率
// 物体沿线移动方法
function moveOnCurve(_model) {
if (curve == null || che == null) {} else {
if (progress <= 1 - velocity) {
let che = _model.object
let boxx = _model.getBox()
cheLable.position.set(boxx.max.x, boxx.max.y + 2, boxx.max.z)
if (che.position.z.toFixed(2) >= 28.00 && che.position.z.toFixed(2) <= 28.10) {
if (isopen) {
gsap.to(Mesh26.scale, {
x: Mesh26.scale.x * 8,
duration: 5,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {
isopen = false
} else {
gsap.to(Mesh26.scale, {
x: Mesh26.scale.x / 8,
duration: 5,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {
isopen = true
onStart: () => {
const point = curve.getPointAt(progress); //获取样条曲线指定点坐标
const pointBox = curve.getPointAt(progress + velocity); //获取样条曲线指定点坐标
if (point && pointBox) {
che.position.set(point.x, point.y, point.z);
che.lookAt(pointBox.x, pointBox.y, pointBox
.z); //因为这个模型加载进来默认面部是正对Z轴负方向的,所以直接lookAt会导致出现倒着跑的现象,这里用重新设置朝向的方法来解决。
let center = _model.getBox().getCenter(new THREE.Vector3())
// viewer.camera.position.copy(pointBox)
// viewer.camera.lookAt(point)
// viewer.controls.target.set(pointBox.x, center.y, pointBox.z+10)
if (that.isDriver) {
viewer.camera.position.set(point.x, point.y + 2, point.z)
viewer.camera.lookAt(pointBox.x, pointBox.y + 2, pointBox.z)
viewer.controls.position0.set(point.x, point.y + 2, point.z) //非必要,场景有控件时才加上
viewer.controls.target.set(pointBox.x, pointBox.y + 2, pointBox.z) //非必要,场景有控件时才加上
let targetPos = pointBox //目标位置点
let offsetAngle = 22 //目标移动时的朝向偏移
// //以下代码在多段路径时可重复执行
let mtx = new THREE.Matrix4() //创建一个4维矩阵
// .lookAt ( eye : Vector3, target : Vector3, up : Vector3 ) : this,构造一个旋转矩阵,从eye 指向 target,由向量 up 定向。
mtx.lookAt(che.position, targetPos, che.up) //设置朝向
mtx.multiply(new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationFromEuler(new THREE.Euler(0, offsetAngle, 0)))
let toRot = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromRotationMatrix(mtx) //计算出需要进行旋转的四元数值
che.quaternion.slerp(toRot, 0.2)
progress += velocity;
} else {
progress = 0;
let modelSelect = ['zuo0', 'zuo1', 'zuo2', 'zuo3', 'zuo4', 'zuo5']
viewer.startSelectEvent('mousemove', false, (model) => {
if (model.parent && model.parent.parent && model.parent.parent.name == '办公大厅') {
modelSelect.forEach((item) => {
if (item == model.parent.name) {
modelMoveName = item
if (modelSelectName == modelMoveName) return
office.object.getObjectByName(item).traverse(function(child) {
if (child.isMesh) {
child.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
color: 'yellow',
transparent: true,
opacity: 0.8,
emissive: child.material.color,
emissiveMap: child.material.map,
emissiveIntensity: 3
} else {
if (!isModelSelectName) {
let oldmodel = oldOffice.getObjectByName(item)
office.object.getObjectByName(item).traverse(function(child) {
if (child.isMesh) {
child.material = oldmodel.getObjectByName(child.name)
} else {
office.object.getObjectByName(item).traverse(function(child) {
if (child.isMesh && child.parent.name != modelSelectName) {
child.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
color: new THREE.Color('#123ca8'),
transparent: true,
opacity: 0.5,
emissiveMap: child.material.map,
let sceneList = ['实验楼']
viewer.renderer.domElement.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster()
const mouse = new THREE.Vector2()
mouse.x = (e.offsetX / viewer.renderer.domElement.clientWidth) * 2 - 1
mouse.y = -(e.offsetY / viewer.renderer.domElement.clientHeight) * 2 + 1
raycaster.setFromCamera(mouse, viewer.camera)
const intersects = raycaster.intersectObject(viewer.scene, true)
if (intersects.length > 0 && intersects[0] && modelMoveName) {
let model = intersects[0].object.parent
if (model.name.includes('zuo')) {
if (!isModelSelectName) {
cheLable.visible = false
viewer.scene.children[viewer.scene.children.findIndex(o => o.name == '快递车')]
.visible = false
viewer.scene.children[viewer.scene.children.findIndex(o => o.name == 'cityv1')]
.visible = false
viewer.scene.children[viewer.scene.children.findIndex(o => o.name == '树')]
.visible = false
sceneList.forEach(item => {
viewer.scene.children.find(o => o.name == item).traverse((child) => {
child.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
color: new THREE.Color('rgba(7,32,96,0.76)'),
transparent: true,
opacity: 0.1,
wireframe: true,
depthWrite: true, // 无法被选择,鼠标穿透
gsap.to(viewer.scene.children.find(o => o.name == '人').rotation, {
y: Math.PI,
duration: 2,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {
isModelSelectName = true
if (!model.name.includes('zuo')) {
if (!isModelSelectName) {
let oldmodel = oldOffice.getObjectByName(modelMoveName)
office.object.getObjectByName(modelMoveName).traverse(function(child) {
if (child.isMesh) {
child.material = oldmodel.getObjectByName(child.name).material
const selectOffice = (model) => {
modelSelectName = model.name
let oldmodel = oldOffice.getObjectByName(modelSelectName)
let modelSelectIndex = modelSelect.findIndex(v => v == modelSelectName)
office.object.children.forEach((child, index) => {
child.children.forEach((Mesh) => {
if (child.name === modelSelectName) {
child.children.forEach(Mesh => {
Mesh.material = oldmodel.getObjectByName(Mesh.name)
} else {
Mesh.material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
color: new THREE.Color('#123ca8'),
transparent: true,
opacity: 0.5,
emissiveMap: Mesh.material.map,
if (!model.userData.position && index > modelSelectIndex) {
gsap.to(child.position, {
y: !child.userData.position ? child.position.y + 25 : child.position.y,
duration: 2,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {
child.userData.position = true
if (model.userData.position && index <= modelSelectIndex) {
if (child.userData.position) {
gsap.to(child.position, {
y: oldOffice.getObjectByName(child.name).position.y,
duration: 2,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {
child.userData.position = false
gsap.to(viewer.controls.target, {
x: 12,
y: 0,
z: -5,
duration: 2,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {},
gsap.to(viewer.camera.position, {
x: 12,
y: 18,
z: 38,
duration: 2,
ease: "power1.inOut",
onComplete: () => {},
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Reference in New Issue