wangqiujuan0808 2023-12-07 19:11:28 +08:00
parent 23e081053f
commit a8ba8139a6
15 changed files with 662 additions and 177 deletions

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 308 KiB

src/assets/images/qcode.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 20 KiB

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ const bimStore = defineStore(
activateIndex: 0,
activateTree: {},
activateDevice: {},
activateApplication: {}
activateApplication: {},
deviceNum: ''
actions: {
// 菜单
@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ const bimStore = defineStore(
// 应用树选中
setActivateApplicationTree(item) {
this.activateApplication = item;
// 资产详情num
setDeviceNum(item) {
this.deviceNum = item;

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ const getPie3D = (pieData, internalDiameterRatio, rateName) => {
// const newColor = _.cloneDeep(color)
// newColor.splice(0, 1)
const newColor = [color[0], color[1], color[5]]
const newColor = [color[0], color[1], color[5],color[6]]
type: 'pie',
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ const getPie3D = (pieData, internalDiameterRatio, rateName) => {
const option = {
color: newColor,
legend: {
show: false,
color: '#FFFFFF',
show: true,
textStyle: { color: '#ffffff' },
left: 'center',
top: 'bottom',
itemGap: 20,
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ const getPie3D = (pieData, internalDiameterRatio, rateName) => {
show: true,
formatter: params => {
if (params.seriesName !== 'mouseoutSeries' && params.seriesName !== 'pie2d') {
// console.log(option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieData)
// let bfb = ((option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieData.endRatio - option.series[params.seriesIndex].pieData.startRatio) *
// 100).toFixed(2)
// if (bfb === 'NaN') {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<div class="baseInfo-div">
<div class="left-div">
<div v-for="(item, index) of listData" :key="index">
<span class="name">{{ }}</span>
<span class="value" v-if=" == '设备二维码'">
<img src="@/assets/images/qcode.png" alt="">
<span class="value" v-else>{{ item.value }}</span>
<div class="right-div">
<img src="@/assets/images/device.png" alt="" width="400">
<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
infoList: {
default: {},
type: Object
const listData = props.infoList.detail;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.baseInfo-div {
width: 100%;
height: 80%;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
.left-div {
width: 69%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
flex-wrap: wrap;
>div {
width: 48%;
line-height: 24px;
height: 48px;
justify-content: space-between;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.name {
width: 40%;
text-align: right;
.value {
width: 59%;
.right-div {
width: 30%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;

View File

@ -25,16 +25,7 @@
import bimStore from '@/store/modules/bim';
import TopDiv from "./TopDiv.vue";
const data = reactive({
buildInfo: {
name: '原料糖化车间一',
area: '5236 ㎡',
desc: '原料糖化车间一负责原料糖化启用于2011年'
const { buildInfo } = toRefs(data);
const buildInfo = computed(() => bimStore();
<style lang='scss' scoped>
.buildDiv {

View File

@ -1,18 +1,26 @@
<div class="treeDiv">
<dv-border-box-10 backgroundColor="#00174b" :color="['#3cbfdf', '#3cbfdf']">
<el-select v-model="buildValue" class="m-2" placeholder="Select" size="large">
<el-option v-for="item in buildOptions" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value" />
<el-tree ref="myTree" :data="treeData" :props="defaultProps" node-key="id" highlight-current default-expand-all
:current-node-key="checkedkeys" @node-click="handleNodeClick" />
<el-select v-model="buildValue" class="m-2" placeholder="Select" size="large">
<el-option v-for="item in buildOptions" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value" />
<el-tree ref="myTree" :data="treeData" :props="defaultProps" node-key="id" check-strictly="true"
highlight-current default-expand-all :current-node-key="checkedkeys" @node-click="handleNodeClick" />
<script setup>
import bimStore from '@/store/modules/bim';
import { nextTick } from "vue";
const myTree = ref("myTree");
const props = defineProps({
isSetTree: { //
default: false,
type: Boolean
const buildOptions = [
value: '0',
@ -29,19 +37,106 @@ const data = reactive({
buildValue: '0',
treeData: [
label: '酿造车间',
label: '原料糖化车间',
id: '0',
url: '/jz/glb/jz.gltf',
info: {
name: '原料糖化车间',
area: '9436 ㎡',
status: '启用',
desc: '原料糖化车间负责原料糖化启用于2011年'
deviceInfo: [
type: '生产设备',
name: '立仓',
value: 45
type: '空调设备',
name: '新风机组',
value: 130
type: '安防设备',
name: '摄像头',
value: 180
type: '消防设备',
name: '烟感',
value: 100
children: [
label: '原料糖化车间一',
id: '0-1',
url: '/jz/glb/jz.gltf'
url: '/jz/glb/jz.gltf',
children: [],
info: {
name: '原料糖化车间一',
area: '5200 ㎡',
status: '启用',
desc: '原料糖化车间一负责原料糖化启用于2011年'
deviceInfo: [
type: '生产设备',
name: '立仓',
value: 15
type: '空调设备',
name: '新风机组',
value: 50
type: '安防设备',
name: '摄像头',
value: 80
type: '消防设备',
name: '烟感',
value: 50
label: '原料糖化车间二',
id: '0-2',
url: '/seraphine/scene.gltf'
url: '/jz/glb/jz.gltf',
children: [],
info: {
name: '原料糖化车间二',
area: '4236 ㎡',
status: '启用',
desc: '原料糖化车间二负责原料糖化启用于2013年'
deviceInfo: [
type: '生产设备',
name: '立仓',
value: 30
type: '空调设备',
name: '新风机组',
value: 80
type: '安防设备',
name: '摄像头',
value: 100
type: '消防设备',
name: '烟感',
value: 50
@ -52,15 +147,16 @@ const { buildValue, treeData, checkedkeys } = toRefs(data);
const emit = defineEmits(['handleNodeClick'])
onMounted(() => {
nextTick(() => {
checkedkeys.value = treeData.value[0].children[0].id;
// myTree.setCurrentKey(checkedkeys.value);
checkedkeys.value = treeData.value[0].id;
const handleNodeClick = (value) => {
emit('handleNodeClick', value)
if(props.isSetTree) {//
const isParent = value.children.length > 0;
emit('handleNodeClick', value, isParent)
@ -77,12 +173,14 @@ const handleNodeClick = (value) => {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
.el-tree {
width: 224px;
margin: 0 10px;
background: transparent;
color: #3cbfdf;
.el-select {
margin: 10px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
<div class="detail-div">
<div class="title-div">{{ }}</div>
<el-tabs v-model="activeName" type="card" class="demo-tabs" @tab-click="handleClick">
<el-tab-pane :label="item" v-for="(item, index) of tabData" :key="index" :name="index + ''">
<BasicInfo :infoList="detailData"></BasicInfo>
<script setup>
import bimStore from '@/store/modules/bim';
import BasicInfo from './BasicInfo.vue';
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus';
const deviceData = {
'EQ0001': {
name: '过滤槽',
imgUlr: '',
detail: [
name: '资产名称',
value: '过滤槽'
name: '资产类型',
value: '糖化设备'
name: '资产位置',
value: '漳州厂区糖化间'
name: '采购日期',
value: '2012-11-15'
name: '使用日期',
value: '2012-11-15'
name: '过保截至日期',
value: '2018-11-15'
name: '所属厂区',
value: '漳州厂区'
name: '资产编码',
value: 'TH-2304187001'
name: '资产状态',
value: '在用'
name: '累计采购天数',
value: '234天'
name: '投入使用天数',
value: '234天'
name: '距离过保天数',
value: '-34天'
name: '设备二维码',
value: '2018-11-15'
'EQ0002': {
name: '新风机组',
imgUlr: '',
detail: [
name: '资产名称',
value: '新风机组'
name: '资产类型',
value: '糖化设备'
name: '资产位置',
value: '漳州厂区糖化间'
name: '采购日期',
value: '2012-11-15'
name: '使用日期',
value: '2012-11-15'
name: '过保截至日期',
value: '2018-11-15'
name: '所属厂区',
value: '漳州厂区'
name: '资产编码',
value: 'TH-2304187001'
name: '资产状态',
value: '在用'
name: '累计采购天数',
value: '234天'
name: '投入使用天数',
value: '234天'
name: '距离过保天数',
value: '-34天'
name: '设备二维码',
value: '2018-11-15'
const activeName = ref('0')
const tabData = [
'基本信息', '实时数据', '历史数据', '巡检记录', '保养记录', '维修记录', '事件记录', '健康分析', '效益分析', '资产对比'
const data = reactive({
detailData: {
name: '',
imgUlr: '',
detail: []
const { detailData } = toRefs(data);
const deviceNum = computed(() => bimStore().deviceNum);
detailData.value = deviceData[deviceNum.value];
const handleClick = (tab, event) => {
if(activeName !== '0') {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.detail-div {
height: 700px;
.title-div {
height: 50px;
line-height: 50px;
width: 100%;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
padding: 0 10px;

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ const data = reactive({
content: '设备保养周期剩余3天',
time: '上午',
timestamp: '11:46',
color: '#0bbd87',
color: '#31bdb4',
icon: MoreFilled,
type: 'primary',
size: 'large'

View File

@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
<dv-border-box-10 backgroundColor="#00174b" :color="['#3cbfdf', '#3cbfdf']">
<span class="name">名称</span>
<span class="text">{{ }}</span>
<span class="text">{{ deviceInfo && }}</span>
<span class="name">类型</span>
<span class="text">{{ deviceInfo.type }}</span>
<span class="text">{{ deviceInfo && deviceInfo.type }}</span>
<span class="name">状态</span>
<span class="text">{{ deviceInfo.status }}</span>
<span class="text">{{ deviceInfo && deviceInfo.status }}</span>
@ -21,14 +21,11 @@
import TopDiv from "./TopDiv.vue";
import bimStore from '@/store/modules/bim';
const data = reactive({
deviceInfo: {
name: '立仓',
type: '生产设备',
deviceInfo: {}
const { deviceInfo } = toRefs(data);
watch(() => bimStore(), value => deviceInfo.value = value);
<style lang='scss' scoped>
@ -42,20 +39,23 @@ const { deviceInfo } = toRefs(data);
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
color: #3cbfdf;
:deep(.border-box-content) {
padding: 10px;
>div {
line-height: 48px;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
.name {
width: 25%;
.text {
width: 75%;
color: #fff;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
<div class="deviceInfoDialog">
<div class="left-div">
<el-tree :data="treedata" show-checkbox node-key="id" :default-expanded-keys="[1]" :props="defaultProps">
<el-select v-model="buildValue" class="m-2" placeholder="Select" size="large">
<el-option v-for="item in buildOptions" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value" />
<el-tree ref="myTree" :data="treeData" :props="defaultProps" node-key="id" check-strictly="true"
highlight-current default-expand-all :current-node-key="checkedkeys" @node-click="handleNodeClick" />
<div class="right-div">
<div class="top-div">
@ -27,7 +30,151 @@
<script setup>
import * as echarts from "echarts";
import bimStore from '@/store/modules/bim';
const buildOptions = [
value: '0',
label: '漳州工厂',
const defaultProps = {
children: 'children',
label: 'label',
const data = reactive({
buildValue: '0',
treeData: [
label: '原料糖化车间',
id: '0',
url: '/jz/glb/jz.gltf',
info: {
name: '原料糖化车间',
area: '9436 ㎡',
status: '启用',
desc: '原料糖化车间负责原料糖化启用于2011年'
deviceInfo: [
type: '生产设备',
name: '立仓',
num: 'EQ0001',
value: 45,
id: "echartDiv0"
type: '空调设备',
name: '新风机组',
num: 'EQ0002',
value: 130,
id: "echartDiv1"
type: '安防设备',
name: '摄像头',
num: 'EQ0001',
value: 180,
id: "echartDiv2"
type: '消防设备',
name: '烟感',
num: 'EQ0001',
value: 100,
id: "echartDiv3"
children: [
label: '原料糖化车间一',
id: '0-1',
url: '/jz/glb/jz.gltf',
children: [],
info: {
name: '原料糖化车间一',
area: '5200 ㎡',
status: '启用',
desc: '原料糖化车间一负责原料糖化启用于2011年'
deviceInfo: [
type: '生产设备',
name: '立仓',
num: 'EQ0001',
value: 15,
id: "echartDiv0"
type: '空调设备',
name: '新风机组',
num: 'EQ0002',
value: 50,
id: "echartDiv1"
type: '安防设备',
name: '摄像头',
num: 'EQ0001',
value: 80,
id: "echartDiv2"
type: '消防设备',
name: '烟感',
num: 'EQ0001',
value: 50,
id: "echartDiv3"
label: '原料糖化车间二',
id: '0-2',
url: '/jz/glb/jz.gltf',
children: [],
info: {
name: '原料糖化车间二',
area: '4236 ㎡',
status: '启用',
desc: '原料糖化车间二负责原料糖化启用于2013年'
deviceInfo: [
type: '生产设备',
name: '立仓',
num: 'EQ0001',
value: 30,
id: "echartDiv0"
type: '空调设备',
name: '新风机组',
num: 'EQ0002',
value: 80,
id: "echartDiv1"
type: '安防设备',
name: '摄像头',
num: 'EQ00011',
value: 100,
id: "echartDiv2"
type: '消防设备',
name: '烟感',
num: 'EQ0002',
value: 50,
id: "echartDiv3"
checkedkeys: "",
deviceList: [
name: '设备A',
@ -47,97 +194,28 @@ const data = reactive({
name: '设备D',
num: 36,
id: "echartDiv3"
tableData: [
name: '立仓',
num: 'EQ001',
type: '生产设备'
name: '粉碎机',
num: 'EQ001',
type: '生产设备'
name: '摄像头',
num: 'EQ001',
type: '生产设备'
name: '空调机组',
num: 'EQ001',
type: '生产设备'
name: '立仓',
num: 'EQ001',
type: '生产设备'
name: '立仓',
num: 'EQ001',
type: '生产设备'
name: '粉碎机',
num: 'EQ001',
type: '生产设备'
name: '摄像头',
num: 'EQ001',
type: '生产设备'
name: '空调机组',
num: 'EQ001',
type: '生产设备'
name: '立仓',
num: 'EQ001',
type: '生产设备'
treedata: [{
id: 1,
label: '一级 1',
children: [{
id: 4,
label: '二级 1-1',
children: [{
id: 9,
label: '三级 1-1-1'
}, {
id: 2,
label: '一级 2',
children: [{
id: 5,
label: '二级 2-1'
}, {
id: 6,
label: '二级 2-2'
defaultProps: {
children: 'children',
label: 'label'
tableData: []
const { deviceList, tableData, treedata, defaultProps } = toRefs(data);
const { buildValue, treeData, checkedkeys, deviceList, tableData } = toRefs(data);
const emit = defineEmits(['viewDetail'])
onMounted(() => {
nextTick(() => {
deviceList.value.forEach(ele => {
checkedkeys.value = treeData.value[0].id;
const handleNodeClick = (value) => {
value.deviceInfo.forEach(ele => {
tableData.value = value.deviceInfo;
const getCharts = (ele) => {
var dom = document.getElementById(;
if (dom) {
@ -325,7 +403,7 @@ const getCharts = (ele) => {
data: [{
value: 50,
value: ele.value,
@ -336,6 +414,8 @@ const getCharts = (ele) => {
const viewDetail = (val) => {
emit('viewDetail', val);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@ -348,6 +428,13 @@ const viewDetail = (val) => {
width: 20%;
height: 100%;
border: 1px solid #3cbfdf;
.el-tree {
margin: 0 10px;
.el-select {
margin: 10px;
.right-div {

View File

@ -21,32 +21,35 @@ import "echarts-gl"
import TopDiv from "./TopDiv.vue";
import bimStore from '@/store/modules/bim';
const emit = defineEmits(['openDialog'])
const data = reactive({
optionsData: [
{ value: 34, name: "A类设备" },
{ value: 200, name: "B类设备" },
{ value: 16, name: "C类设备" },
{ value: 50, name: "D类设备" }]
const { optionsData } = toRefs(data);
const optionData = => {
return {
rate: ((item.value / 300).toFixed(1)) *100,
const deviceInfo = computed(() =>
onMounted(() => {
nextTick(() => {
const getCharts = () => {
watch(deviceInfo, (value) => {
console.log(34, value);
if (value) {
const initData = () => {
const optionData = => {
return {
rate: ((item.value / 300).toFixed(1)) * 100,
nextTick(() => {
const getCharts = (optionData) => {
var dom = document.getElementById('charts');
if (dom) {

View File

@ -32,17 +32,32 @@ const data = reactive({
label: '生产设备',
id: '0',
info: {
name: '生产设备',
type: '生产设备',
status: '启用'
children: [
label: '立仓',
id: '0-1',
url: '/jz/glb/jz.gltf'
url: '/jz/glb/jz.gltf',
info: {
name: '立仓',
type: '生产设备',
status: '启用'
label: '糖浆罐',
id: '0-2',
url: '/seraphine/scene.gltf'
url: '/seraphine/scene.gltf',
info: {
name: '糖浆罐',
type: '生产设备',
status: '启用'
@ -54,8 +69,6 @@ const emit = defineEmits(['handleNodeClick'])
onMounted(() => {
nextTick(() => {
checkedkeys.value = treeData.value[0].children[0].id;
// myTree.setCurrentKey(checkedkeys.value);
@ -84,6 +97,7 @@ const handleNodeClick = (value) => {
background: transparent;
color: #3cbfdf;
.el-select {
margin: 10px;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
<div class="realInfoDialog">
<div class="top-div">
<span class="name">名称:</span>
<span class="text">{{ deviceInfo && }}</span>
<span class="name">类型:</span>
<span class="text">{{ deviceInfo && deviceInfo.type }}</span>
<span class="name">状态:</span>
<span class="text">{{ deviceInfo && deviceInfo.status }}</span>
<div class="bottom-div">
@ -14,10 +26,15 @@
<script setup>
import bimStore from '@/store/modules/bim';
const data = reactive({
const deviceInfo = computed(() =>
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.realInfoDialog {
@ -30,6 +47,23 @@ const data = reactive({
width: 100%;
height: 25%;
border: 1px solid #3cbfdf;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
> div {
display: flex;
line-height: 48px;
width: 240px;
justify-content: space-between;
.name {
width: 45%;
text-align: right;
.text {
width: 45%;
text-align: left;
.bottom-div {
@ -43,6 +77,7 @@ const data = reactive({
height: 100%;
border: 1px solid #3cbfdf;
.right-div {
width: 79%;
height: 100%;

View File

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
<div class="app-container">
<!-- 场景模型 -->
<ThreeView background="#353535" light="0xffffff" :sceneUrl="sceneUrl"></ThreeView>
<ThreeView background="#353535" light="0xffffff" :sceneUrl="sceneUrl" v-if="sceneUrl !== ''"></ThreeView>
<!-- 底部菜单 -->
<MenuTab @changeMenu="changeMenu"></MenuTab>
<!-- 左侧建筑菜单 -->
<BuildTree v-if="activateIndex == 0" @handleNodeClick="handleBuildClick"></BuildTree>
<BuildTree v-if="activateIndex == 0" isSetTree="true" @handleNodeClick="handleBuildClick"></BuildTree>
<!-- 建筑信息 -->
<BuildInfo v-if="activateIndex == 0"></BuildInfo>
<BuildInfo v-if="buildInfo && activateIndex == 0"></BuildInfo>
<!-- 资产信息 -->
<DevicePie v-if="activateIndex == 0" @openDialog="openDialog"></DevicePie>
<DevicePie v-if="deviceInfo && activateIndex == 0" @openDialog="openDialog"></DevicePie>
<!-- 左侧资产菜单 -->
<DeviceTree v-if="activateIndex == 1" @handleNodeClick="handleDeviceClick"></DeviceTree>
<!-- 资产信息 -->
<DeviceInfo v-if="activateIndex == 1"></DeviceInfo>
<DeviceInfo v-if="equimentInfo && activateIndex == 1"></DeviceInfo>
<!-- 资产事件 -->
<DeviceEvent v-if="activateIndex == 1" @openDialog="openDialog1"></DeviceEvent>
<!-- 左侧应用菜单 -->
@ -23,22 +23,16 @@
<!-- 实时数据 -->
<RealData v-if="activateIndex == 2" @openDialog="openDialog1"></RealData>
<!-- 资产信息弹出框 -->
<el-dialog v-model="dialogVisible" title="资产信息" width="1200px" append-to-body>
<DeviceInfoDialog @viewDetail="viewDetail"></DeviceInfoDialog>
<el-dialog v-model="dialogVisible1" title="实时数据" width="1200px" append-to-body>
<!-- 资产详情 -->
<el-dialog v-model="dialogVisible2" v-if="dialogVisible2" title="资产详情" width="1500px" append-to-body>
@ -56,19 +50,33 @@ import RealData from './components/RealData.vue';
import ThreeView from './components/ThreeView.vue';
import DeviceInfoDialog from './components/DeviceInfoDialog.vue';
import RealInfoDialog from './components/RealInfoDialog.vue';
import DeviceDetial from './components/DeviceDetial.vue';
import bimStore from '@/store/modules/bim';
import { computed } from 'vue';
const data = reactive({
sceneUrl: '/jz/glb/jz.gltf'
sceneUrl: '',
equimentInfo: {},
const { sceneUrl } = toRefs(data);
const { sceneUrl,equimentInfo} = toRefs(data);
const dialogVisible = ref(false);
const dialogVisible1 = ref(false);
const dialogVisible2 = ref(false);
const activateIndex = computed(() =>
const buildInfo = computed(() =>
const deviceInfo = computed(() =>
const onReady = () => {
@ -78,22 +86,25 @@ const onError = () => {
const onProgress = () => {
const handleBuildClick = (value) => {
sceneUrl.value = value.url;
const handleBuildClick = (value, isParent) => {
// /
if (isParent) {
sceneUrl.value = value.url;
const handleDeviceClick = (value) => {
equimentInfo.value = bimStore();
const handleApplicationClick = (value) => {
const changeMenu = () => {
const changeMenu = (index) => {
const openDialog = () => {
@ -103,6 +114,11 @@ const openDialog = () => {
const openDialog1 = () => {
dialogVisible1.value = true;
const viewDetail = (val) => {
dialogVisible2.value = true;
<style lang='scss' scoped>
.app-container {